Tuesday, August 07, 2007


--By Martin Fowler
This leads to a consequence for Technical Debt. Technical Debt is a fantastic analogy and I use it frequently. But the design payoff line reminds us that taking out a Technical Debt is only worth doing up to a certain point. Not just do we have to consider whether delivered value is greater than the interest payments, we also have to judge whether the delivery is above the payoff line in the first place.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Guide to Hiring Programmers: The High Cost of Low Quality

From Revolution Systems Blog:

When you work in an environment with experts things simply work. They are easier to use and require less initial training. The software is easier to modify. Requested changes happen more frequently and easily. Things just flow. It is the difference between Apple and Microsoft. It's the difference between the iPod and a 400 disc CD changer with 50+ buttons.